DOs & DON’Ts

  • DO something fun today.
  • DON’T wait too long to do laundry.
  • DO round up your kittens for an afternoon nap.
  • DON’T mow only 95% of your front lawn (and leave a huge patch in the center because you ran out of gas).
  • DO eat organic fruits and vegetables every singe day.
  • DON’T drink coffee exclusively.
  • DO sing old dorky songs with new improvised lyrics while doing the jive in the kitchen.
  • DON’T wear orange sweats to the store.
  • DO enjoy the peaceful lull of the dishwasher.
  • DON’T think that the first thing everyone notices about you is a blemish or coffee stain on your shirt.
  • DO brainstorm and write notes to yourself.
  • DON’T forget the people who know you the best and kindly hold you accountable.
  • DO collect the mail, open it and pay any bills.
  • DON’T take more than your share of something.
  • DO spend some relaxing time alone.
  • DON’T fret: summer is on the way.
  • DO go blonde(r).
  • DON’T ask me for advice about anything, really.
  • DO what you say you will.
  • DON’T be too hard on yourself.
  • DO you have some you’d like to add to this list?


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things I am into

Most of my time is spent thinking about these things lately:

  1. Cooking big pots of curried chickpeas to get me through work lunches
  2. Muesli – mostly because the word “muuuuesli” is great. but it’s tasty too
  3. Paul Simon Pandora station. I click “like” on nearly every song. I’m going to use up my monthly hours very quickly, and then what?
  4. red aluminum water bottle – thanks sister. I drink infinitely more water now because of this lovely and practical gift.
  5. Yogi tea. Chai rooibos. Brewed in a big white teapot and served in tiny green mugs.
  6. Blogs that remind me that I’m pretty and valuable no matter how I dress, what I weigh or what my armpits smell like that day.
  7. The sun setting after 7:00 pm. (Oh pea-ess: happy spring!)
  8. Having a new personality that comes with my short blonde hair.
  9. The return of Fester to work tomorrow  (!!!!!!)
  10. Cats on leashes. Acting like puppies on leashes. Getting looks from the neighbors.
  11. Mangoes and peace. (refer to photographic illustration below.)

There was a particularly good Peter Gabriel jam on pandora when this was taken. This is the sort of thing that tends to happen at our house around 8:10 on Sunday nights.

What’s rocking your days and nights lately? Call me. We can talk about muesli.

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march now

My husband made this graph after a conversation we had last night.

I think it’s hilarious. And sweet.

Sometimes I joke about how Anthony “invested when the stocks were low” when we talk about how I looked/acted/dressed at the beginning of our relationship compared to now. (I like to think his shares have increased in value.) I mean, at the time we met I was getting ready to graduate, and I dressed primarily in hoodies and converse. As Fester perfectly put it: “No one looks good in college.” I still hadn’t figured out hair/clothing/eye makeup/fitness. (I have a lot of youtubes and blogs to help me now!)

And the cats have been huge in all this. I’d like to thank those fatties.

It’s Thursday night and I feel like having a party! Lovens!


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good morning

Gus and I looked outside to assess the snow situation early this morning.

In spite of slippery conditions, my organic produce box was still delivered early this morning. Snow and fresh produce on my doorstep when I wake up? I am shrieking with happiness.

Now we are all lounging/sleeping/drinking coffee.

I love you, snow day.

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26 things – Part One

  1. Grow something in my yard and eat it.
  2. Watch Tombstone and Memento. And Mad Men.
  3. Write a play. Allow at least two people to read it.
  4. Have a dinner party. Invite at least two couples over. Serve at least three courses. A breakfast party is also allowed.
  5. Spend a day with just my Mom.
  6. Go for a bike ride with my Dad.
  7. Write and illustrate a children’s book with my sister. (If she is down.)
  8. Join a church.
  9. Paint my house colors I like.
  10. Quit my job. Get a new job.
  11. Say “no, thank you” to some important things, and not feel bad.
  12. Professional waxing.
  13. Shoot a firearm.
  14. Get my health in check: physical, optical, dental, etc.
  15. Organize the piles of stuff I have created around our house. And the piles of my childhood gathering dust in our basement.
  16. Do something with my hair that I’ve always wanted to do.
  17. Invent a cookie recipe.
  18. Have a photo shoot with my BFFs. Probably in costume.
  19. Take a class that gets me moving (dance, yoga, pilates, etc.)
  20. Decorate my bedroom the way I have been dreaming about.

I have delayed posting this, I know. I need six more things for my list. I am tired. Can you help?


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You know it’s been a long day when

What you want for dinner is: popcorn coated with bacon salt and several large hunks of raw frozen cookie dough. Eaten standing at your kitchen island while reading online gossip columns.

[PMS joke/reference here.]

And I wonder why I feel ill.

My 26 Things List is nearly complete. Stay tuned.

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Inside jokes

I mean really inside jokes. Like jokes between Emily and . . . nope! No one else!

Yeah. I have a handful of things I say to myself throughout the day that have nothing to do with anyone else. Sayings and references that only I would get. And, of course, I crack myself up with these inside-inside jokes. This is where my dopey grin originates from about 70% of the time. The other 30% is from unchecked coffee intake. Obvs.

He gets me.

The only time I blog lately is when I am supposed to be doing something else.

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Sunday and a chance for YOU to vote!

If you talk to me in the next day or so, be warned. Not to overly icky, but I cannot stop singing the praises of the Neti Pot. I can smell again! It’s all I want to talk about! (Poor Anthony.) I am not 100% healed, but I haven’t given up the fight (like I was about to on Friday afternoon/evening). And I am looking for forward to my two weeks of relative health before my sickness cycle starts again.

It’s sunny this morning, just like the meteorologists all promised, so that also makes me feel better. I love it when people don’t lie.

I have a hair appointment in a few weeks and I would like to present some options for my next style to you all (you three).  Go ahead and ignore the hair color in these styles. I am just looking at cut right now.

I like the length of this one, and I think the wavy/messy look is good for my fine/curly hair. I wouldn't get bangs.

Thoughts on J. Alba's character and talent notwithstanding, I like her layers and color here (something to aspire to?) . . .

This is the most "extreme" option, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. It would be very short for sure!

Please let me know what you think! Or if you find another picture you think I might like!



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Wow and Sunday!

I have been thinking more about my Birthday List this weekend. (And I’ve also been insanely productive. More on that in a minute.)

First. Do I want my list of 26 items to be (a) New-Fun Things I Want to Do, or (b) Important Achievements I Want to Check-Off . . ?

For example, “Attend a block party” would qualify under list A. “Organize my childhood memorabilia” would fall under B. And then there’s stuff like “Create an original cookie recipe” that would likely be in both lists.

I have thought about making two separate lists of 26 things, but then I’d have to do 52 things, which is one a week. (Which, coincidentally, is the same number of dates KF is attempting to go on this year. And still is fewer things than my mom has to put on her Birthday List. . . wow kids). SO I think I’ll just make a smashed-up list of 26 items. And I’ll try to do one item every two weeks. Because I want to have fun and be accomplished. But mostly have fun.

I am working on the list now. Prepare for the big reveal on February 5th (give or take a day).

Okay, quickly, because I have to share: this has been the most productive weekend. I figured out that all I need to motivate me to clean, do projects and run errands is frothy americanos (duh) and dirty, slightly misogynistic hip-hop music (no comment). It’s amazing, really.

Thanks for all the comments on my last post. Seriously. They made my weekend wonderful. Even more than Kanye!



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We watched Portlandia, ate fake-chocolate brownies, and I laughed for the first time today (excepting all my ironic-frustrated-tired laughs from 9:00-5:00. Pals, I saved a life on my lunch break. That’s what my day was like.)

It was nice to come home, give the heroes hugs, and slouch around while reading blogs and eating breakfast for dinner.

Mom and I had a chat about dorky kids and then our Birthday Lists. I have to come up with 26 things to do while I am 26 years old (which happens two weeks from tomorrow). Mom has to come up with a list of 56 things to do while she is 56 years old. (Mom, I hope you take my advice and add colonoscopy to that list.) I have some ideas:

  1. Go bowling.
  2. Get a manicure.
  3. Host a dinner party. (More than two couples. More than two courses.)
  4. Ride a horse.
  5. Delete my facebook account.
  6. Write a ten-minute play.
  7. Do something really brave.

I would love input.


PS to MOM- jeggings are a real thing. I didn’t make them up. And I’m wearing them right this minute.


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